Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rainbow In My Room: The Perfect Tranquillity.

I can’t think of anything more tranquil, more relaxing, than having a rainbow in my room. This is quite possible now with that quaint little rainbow projector called Rainbow In My Room.

This rainbow-shaped projector is a visual treat in modern design. The arm arches over the mirror coated base, and LEDs in the overhead arm shine onto the mirror, which projects a beautiful rainbow onto your walls and ceiling. A switch allows you to set it to reflect the full rainbow, or alternatively to reflect one rainbow colour at a time. (It has an auto shut-off after ten minutes to conserve energy, so your child can happily fall asleep without having to switch it off.)

What is it that is so unambiguously happy about a rainbow? I cannot think of a single unpleasant feature to it. It may well be a perfectly physical phenomenon – a refraction of light – but somehow it always elicits feeling of hope and well-being.

“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, songs, fairy tales and pots of gold aside, in signifies the end of a storm and the hope of better things to follow. Whatever it is, it always leaves one with a good feeling. One evening, after a summer thunderstorm, I saw a brilliant rainbow ahead and to my left as I was driving home. Then, suddenly, as the road curved, I was driving through what appeared to be the end of the rainbow! I have never forgotten that thrill!

Even for me as an adult, I can’t think of a better way to drift off to sleep than being wrapped in a rainbow. How much more so for a little child, after a day of disciplines, conflicts and hopes either dashed or fulfilled?

Word count: 287 excluding title.

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