Sunday, February 14, 2010

Never Lose It Again! The Fridge Magnet Bottle Opener.

You’ve waited for that beer. You’ve visualized its cool, wet droplets sliding down your throat, while you sat in the traffic. You reverse parked your car perfectly the first time, because you didn’t have time for second and third attempts. You positively drooled when you saw the front door approaching your racing footsteps.

At last you’re there. You fling your briefcase in the general direction of the dining room, knowing your wife is going to have something to say about that, but it figures way down the list of priorities. You’ll deal with that later, once those golden droplets have collected in your stomach. You reach for the fridge handle, unaware of that little boy smile on your face or the eyes that are shining with anticipation. For a terrible moment your heart freezes in panic in case, by some horrible twist of fate, somebody has been visiting in your absence and ….. and then the fridge door is open and there it is. You touch the cold, dripping bottle tenderly for a moment, in gratitude. Then you grab it gleefully, spinning around as you close the fridge door.

Where’s that bottle opener? You pull out a drawer. Then with just a hint of irritation, you open the next drawer. Then faster and faster, the next and the next! NO, NO! This can’t be happening! Why me? I’ll KILL whoever used it last!

Hey, Dude, chill. That could be nothing more than a bad dream - if you get the new, great, life-saving, stainless steel, magnetized bottle opener with the anti-scratch magnetic backing. It sticks to your fridge with a determination you want to see. A mere flick of the wrist does the rest.

Oh, yea – get two. Stick one on the side of your car. You never know …

Word Count: 300 excluding title.

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