Sunday, February 14, 2010

A World Of Opportunity: Free Audio Books.

If you haven’t discovered the audio book yet, you could be losing out on a world of opportunity. Many of us love reading, but lament the time we don’t seem to have to do enough of it. The joy of reading has its own rewards, but there’s a great deal to be said for just listening as well.

Remember when you were a kid, how much you loved having a story read to you? You could just close your eyes, or gaze into the distance, and visualize a whole different world, accompanied by the soothing sound of someone’s voice?

Audio books are widely available from a number of sources, for purchase, for rent, and as downloads – but they do not have to be a major expense in your life. Free audio books are available, once again, from a number of sources.

With books, sometimes one prefers to purchase them new and to keep them at home for a number of people to read and to be able to read repeatedly. Other books, one buys on sale. Either way, one builds a home library. For avid readers, obtaining books from a public library may be a more convenient choice. The same applies to audio books. (There is probably an audio book library near you – perhaps even in a section of your regular library. Alternatively, there are audio book libraries online.)

Free Audio Books – Where To Find Them:

If you already belong to a library, that would be a good place to start your search for free audio books.

Alternatively, there are a number of sites online where you can download free audio books – just doing a Google search will probably reveal more than you expected.

One of the organizations well worth a mention is LibriVox. They provide free audio books from the public domain. Volunteers record books in the public domain and publish the files onto the internet, where you can download them. Their goal is to record all books in the public domain.

Type “free audio book” into your Google – or other – search bar and a great number of sites will be listed. Some of them are dedicated to free audio books, while others have books for sale or rent, but will offer a limited number of free downloads.

Free audio books on offer include not only entertainment, but many language courses and other university / educational courses, inspirational material and promotional material.

Remember that while you’re carrying out those dull routine tasks, enjoying a leisurely walk, sunbathing at the pool, recuperating at home, or just have some time to fill, there are free audio books available to spice up your life and introduce new elements into your world.

Word Count: 449 excluding title.
Keyword density: 9 / 2%
Secondary keyword: 2

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